Sunday, November 18, 2007


She's off again and Pilmeni is back on the breakfast, lunch and dinner menu. I miss having my little krasavica, doma. It feels strange bacheloring it once again.
Winter has come early and in doing so forcing a major change in the civilian wardrobe. One can not leave the house without shapka (fur hat), perchatki (gloves), thermal undies and of course in my case, an enormous puffy jacket George Castannza would be proud of.
The weekend was too quick. It feels as if I hardly saw Nastya at all. Saturday night we caught up with a few friends at "Syndicate", a very swanky 1920's style bar/restaurant, where a Jive band played an Vlad's more wealthy enjoyed Belgium beer on tap.
Tomorrow, I start work at 9, very early for Russians. I should be interesting as I'm without wheels for the moment and am going to catch the tram and bus. With the forecast being -15 degrees, I should be quite an adventure.


Kate said...

I'm really starting to worry about how Dan and I are going to cope with the clothing we have and it's only going to be worse when we come. xo

Julianne said...

Hey Nico.
How did the tram and bus go? I can see I should have sent you to Russia before you turned 30 as I don't remember you EVER catching public transport in Aus.

Timothy said...

We've got 40C here in Perth HA Ha!!!