Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Finally, after nearly 2 months of verbal ping pong we have defiant written conformation. Nastya will start work with "XX" (British auditing and consulting firm ) on November the 1st. It has been quite an ordeal. Russian organisation is slow and methodical at the best of times, however, Nastya's application process for the job with "XX" was excruciatingly laborious. After finally being invited to a group interview 3weeks ago, Nastya felt her chances of receiving the job were good. The group interview saw the best 16 applicants being invited to the firm and put through a number of tests and hypothetical scenarios both in Russian and English. Personally, I new she had it in the bag after she told me that a fellow Aussie took the English interview part. Maybe it also had something to do with the few shots we downed with one of the American senior auditors, at the monk's party. Or maybe it's due to the fact that everywhere we go, all other native speakers can't believe there is a Russian with an Aussie accent. I often just get left in the background as the Russian/Aussie is asked to talk and talk and talk.....
For the purposes of privacy and so that Nastya's first day at work is not her last, all names and places are fictitious.

1 comment:

Julianne said...

Congratulations Anastasia. I know the position must be a great relief. Well done.