Thursday, October 25, 2007

US and Russian Cultures Mixed.

The wind outside is howling once again. Dark clouds are creeping back over the once blue sky. The signs are ominous for another snow storm, and just in time as Halloween is on it's way. Normally as an Australian, Halloween comes and goes with barely an eyebrow being raised. You might get the odd egg thrown on your roof or the very random car being wrapped in toilet paper, but that's really as far as it goes. Anyway, it doesn't have to be Halloween for those things to happen, for some youngsters that's about as exciting as it gets on a Friday or Saturday night. Here in Vladivostok the popular American holiday has been borrowed, it seems permanently, as the whole city seems to be griped with Halloween fever. Telling the locals that we don't celebrate Halloween in Oz is usually met with some very surprised expressions. Bloody Yankee pop culture, it's everywhere! I tell you, it's often hard to explain that there are other English speaking countries without American culture and traditions.
This weekend sees just about all the night clubs having Halloween themed nights, shop windows are decked out with ghoulish decorations, people are rushing around organizing costumes and there are Halloween parties scheduled all over the place. We're off to one tonight and one tomorrow!
That's tonight, however yesterday was also an interesting experience as I had the privilege of visiting the Russian version of our very efficient Department Of Transport. Are all Departments of Transport tarred with the same brush? I think we all know how pleasant a trip to the local at Greenslopes or Sherwood is. You just about need to have a half day off work! Here in Russia, you may as well take your annual leave, all at once! That is unless you know someone. Yesterday we had to register and pick up the plates for the CRV. What greeted us as we drove into the car park was complete anarchy. A sea of cars parked every which way waiting for checks and whatever else, drivers who could not enter yelling abuse, drivers who were now parked in yelling even more abuse and absolutely no resemblance of order. Luckily for us we had the connections to bypass all the chaos and jump the queue. Now, back home this would be a complete outrage, fists would no doubt have flown. Here not a word was said, just a few evil looks passed our way. Nastya's explanation - "you never know who might be jumping the queue."

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