Saturday, January 12, 2008

They've Gone and I'm Back!

Today at 3pm Kate and Dan Left Vladivostok for Brisbane Australia. What a massive couple of weeks. Freezing temperatures, scoldingly hot Banyas, insanely dangerous driving, cheap shopping, mammoth amounts of food and of course vodka, vodka, vodka were just some of the experiences the two have taken away. The last two weeks have been jam packed and only now, after the guys have left, can I sit down and begin to retell the trials, tribulations and hilarities of New Year's and the rest of Kate and Dan's holiday.

However, before I begin to retell the last two weeks here are a couple of photos of the guys enjoying themselves in Vladivostok!

Dan and I frolicking in the snow.

Nas and Kate BBQing in -20 degrees.

Hey presto - I'm a fairy!

Santa sandwich?

If a picture speaks 1000 words, you can see I've got some writing a head of me. We had the time of our lives and now all that is left are the memories. Guys I'm missing you already, but don't worry I'll do my best to document the adventure.

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