Some of these Russian public holidays are named with such profound conviction. Defenders of the Fatherland Day, formally known as Red Army Day, celebrates the Russian military and therefore all Russian men, (it's the duty of all men to defend the Fatherland). The holiday around Vlad was much like any other long weekend, only with a military twist. Restaurants and clubs were decorated out in military attire and many a toast was dedicated to men in general. Defenders Day is usually celebrated the parades and processions in honor of the veterans. Russian women also give small gifts to the men in their lives, I scored a new belt and an Emporio Armani jumper! This holiday also, acts as a counter part to the 8th of March (International Women's Day), where I'll have to return Nastya the favor and find her something special.
The whole thing is very Russian. Russian machismo is on "red" alert at the best of times, however this holiday not only commemorates, but promotes the wonderful thing that is Russian chivalry. Russian manliness is trapped in somewhat of a time warp were men are men and valor, ruggedness and the ability to arm wrestle at the drop of a hat is imperative. Proving your virility is a constant test, even the gyms have arm wrestling stations and areas for a Sunday arvo Box! Forget about the head gear and mouth guard, just slip on the paper thin gloves and punch the stress out of each other.
Oh my God! My darling lttle "first born" is a Russian!!! Very "spiffy" in the Red Army gear.
For such a Communistic celebration I'm not sure where the Amarmi jumper fits in. Was the belt at least Army issue???
Classic. Your stories always put a smile on my face. What an interesting place you live in.
HK :)
Fake jumper, fake belt but you'd never guess it.
Tell me, everytime I look at the Brisy weather it is raining! Is that drought over yet or what?
Ha ha, nope, the drought isn't over and the 4 minute showers etc are still enforced. But, since Christmas the dam supply has gone from <20% to >30% - so pretty good! And it's mostly proper rain!
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