Sunday, February 3, 2008


A strange thing happens after a while living in a foreign country, it starts to become home. Sure, everyday is still unique and full of new adventures, however after a while familiarity sets-in. Living abroad gives you balance, allows your mind be become more objective. It opens up new possibilities and redefines your "home".
How many times have you heard from someone, who has just arrived back to Oz, after a month away and say, “it really lets you appreciate how good we've got it back home." I tend to disagree with these sort comments and before you start thinking "what a sell out", please hear me out. This type of person as not given the place they are returning from a fair go. One, two months of cruising around a new country does not, I believe, give one the ascendancy to comment. Give it a real go! Find a job, pay the bills, rent an apartment, buy a car, set yourself up exactly the way you would at "home" and then start your reflections. Only then does a beautiful thing start to occur. You find new friends, new local hangouts, familiar restaurants, new activities; you start to get to know the locals and feel a certrain affinity towards them. "Home" takes on a new definition. You start to consider the possibility that this new place could be my second home.

Enjoying the Kalyan at one of my local haunts.


Helen said...

Here here

Nicholas said...

Thought you guys might agree.

Lisa said...

I am with both of is all about new and exciting advenures!