"Infected and Happy New Year" - Typical black Russian humour.
"Boss's Headquarters"- "Yeah, is that Donatella? Can we order the next range in a slightly darker tinge of green?"
"Infected and Happy New Year" - Typical black Russian humour.
"Boss's Headquarters"- "Yeah, is that Donatella? Can we order the next range in a slightly darker tinge of green?"
Standing on one of the forts.
The next weekend after Labour Day was Den' Pobedy or Victory Day. What a holiday! I mean just the significance of this holiday is awe inspiring. The day commemorates the Soviet Union beating the fascists all the way back to Germany. 30 something million of these guys were sacrificed, a mind boggling figure considering our whole population is only 20 something. There were more Russian soldiers killed than that of the total allied forces combined. There are many phenomenal statistics that are just incomprehensible. During the Leningrad siege, for example, in the Winter months 11-12000 people were dieing, that's more than a Gallipoli everyday! So with such devastation why wouldn't you commemorate, celebrate, toast the night away to VICTORY!
The parade itself was huge and in Moscow rehearsals started 3 months ago. Unfortunately for me the overwhelming crowds meant a very limited view point. The fact that I arrived 2 and half hours beforehand to position myself was a completely futile gesture. So it is difficult for me to comment on what actually happened.
Following the parade however, a group of us traveled out to Jeff's dacha or country house for the night. Toast after toast for victory ensured the 0 degree temperature was not even an issue.
Victory Day in the country.Arriving in Khabarovsk.Yes, that is snow and there is only one more month until Summer!!!???
Nastya, shaurma in hand at Naberezhnaya.
Me, Nastya, Nastya form EF, Lena and Anton shashliking.Nastya and I celebrating the 8th of March.
Vodka - the cure for any ailment!
Even Santa was busting a few moves to keep warm. Hang on, is that really Santa?
Dan - cold, drunk or a bit of both?Nas and Kate BBQing in -20 degrees.
Santa sandwich?
If a picture speaks 1000 words, you can see I've got some writing a head of me. We had the time of our lives and now all that is left are the memories. Guys I'm missing you already, but don't worry I'll do my best to document the adventure.