Saturday, November 10, 2007

Bench Comp

Just got back from the Sun life Open Day Bench Comp. It certainly was an interesting experience. This particular comp was not based on your max 1RM, but on how how many reps you can do at a 100kg. It was a lot of fun, as lactic acid kicked in, competitors squealed and jerked the weight off their chests. The energy systems used for this type of comp were on the endurance side, rather than just speed and power. I think such a comp would be quite popular in Australia. Unfortunately for me, due to a lack of regular eating and training , I only managed to do 11 reps at a body weight of 70kg. In comparison the winner weighed in at about 80kg and benched 32 reps. Some of the guys technique as absolutely awesome. Big wide grips and chests that nearly touched the bar. One bloke's range of movement would have been about 5cm in total. The comp itself was huge, with media and a substantial crowd.

My preparation for the comp included a bit of a binge drinking session the night before. I was hoping the calories in the beer and brandy would have propelled me through to a few extra reps. I was wrong! Funny though, there must be something in the tobacco over here, as nearly all lifters were seen from time to time outside dragging on a cigarette.
Bench Press Preparation, Jeff, Ed, Joe and I.

Struggling with 100kg - 11th rep?

32 reps!

31 reps!


Lisa said...

OMG..that is awesome. What was the bodyweight of the guy that did 32 reps?

Nicholas said...

Lis, he weighed about 82-85 kg.
The girls were fanastic as well. One girl, she weighed 52kg and she benched 40kg for 39 reps. The winner was a girl that weighed around 62-65kg, she benched 40kg for 56 reps!!!!!

Lisa said...

wow...that is crazy. Might be some good off season training.