Wow what a weekend. It's only now, 6.30pm Sunday, that I have been able to drag myself up from bed and shake the weekends hangover off. Friday and Saturday night was my opportunity to sample some of Vald's night life. Let me tell you, it certainly did not disappoint.
Friday Sasha, Maryanna, Nas and I hit the pub scene. "Hans" is a German style beer house that produces its own brew. Not a bad drop I might add. Service was excellent and the night was on it's merry way. Hang on, what was that? Was it English I heard? Strange, since arriving in Vlad I have not met one other native English speaker. Yes it was defiantly English. There at the bar, in true western fashion, was a bloke downing a couple of beers. What was the accent? I couldn't pick it. American? English? The chase for the elusive native English speaker turned out to be a false alarm. Daniel was Swiss bloke and spoke nearly every language! OK, so I am exaggerating. He spoke German, French, Spanish,a bit of Russian and English. What a character. Before long Sasha and Daniel were locked in friendly banter over which nation were the more seasoned drinkers. Daniel came out with an interesting claim, that Swiss pour their shots to the brim while Russians only go 2/3 rds of the way. A nation superior in drinking to the Russians. Could it be true? No, the second false alarm of the night. It turns out that the Swiss do pour their shot to the brim, however it is a watered down version of Vodka's 40% at a measly 10%. Daniel's bravado proved to be, just that. After 5 min he was legless and the title was back in Russian hands.
Saturday night Sasha, Maryanna, Oleg, Olya, Nas and I headed out again this time to celebrate our first anniversary. What a great night. "Minty Truffle" is a very cool, bar/coffee lounge with waitress on roller skates, funky DJ and a relaxed atmosphere. Midnight ticked by and after toasting to our first year of marriage we headed to " Davidoff" nightclub. Stay tuned for "Russian Night Club Peculiarities" where security is tighter than an airports' and the club's format is reminiscent to the old GPS school dances!
Happy Anniversary!
Thank you.
Hey, I am not sure if anyone has told you but Fitzone closed on Friday afternoon. Most people and a lot of the trainers have moved to Goodlife. I was there this morning and I ran into so many people - it was really weird!
Pozdravlia s iubileem Nicholas & Anastasia!!!(I don't think I'm swearing). Your adventures so far sound fantastic and I'm sure making everyone envious. I'm really curious as to who were the 'lucky' onces that had to fillet and clean 82kg of fish???
Krystyna Jack
I didn't know. It is kind of sad but I guess we all move on.
Fantastic Russian! Where did you learn that? Happy you're enjoying our adventures. The fish were split over 4 families and everyone gave a hand in the cleaning process. Myself included. How is Julian? Please forward my blog addresss on to him.
Take care.
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