Saturday, August 25, 2007

Russian Picnic

Sitting here at 9am, my ears are ringing as if the night before I'd just seen Midnight Oil play. No yesterday I hadn't seen Tatu or some other Russian rock concert I had gone on a picnic!

What a picnic!


Julianne said...

Hey great shooting Anastasia. Take care Nico she looks a pretty good shot. Mother

Marnie says -Nico just learn to duck!!!!

Julianne said...

Hey great shooting Anastasia. Take care Nico she looks a pretty good shot. Mother

Marnie says -Nico just learn to duck!!!!

Nicholas said...

Mum, it wasn't Anastasia, it was Natasha!

Julianne said...

Oh well the screen was very small and 59/60 year old eyes aren't too good. I'm pleased my Russian daughter-in-law isn't so inclined. Thanks Anastasia.

Julianne said...

Oh well the screen was very small and 59/60 year old eyes aren't too good. I'm pleased my Russian daughter-in-law isn't so inclined. Thanks Anastasia.